Warrior Women Are a Force to Be reckoned With

From the steppes of Russia to the halls of power in corporate America, women have proven that they can be just as fierce and powerful as men. While some warriors sacrifice their authentic feminine values in the process of reaching the top of a male-dominated industry, others forge a difficult path that challenges cultural views on how women should behave.

These women warriors, who are also mothers, daughters and wives, are proof that it is possible for a woman to be a force to be reckoned with, even in the face of overwhelming odds. They fought battles and ruled empires, dressed like men, and wielded swords and guns to make their mark on history.

Although the women warriors of ancient Greece were widely regarded as myth, their legends likely stemmed from real examples of strong female fighters who lived in the region at the time. These fearsome females were nomadic archers, expert horse breeders and skilled in warfare. Some, such as Hippolyte and Tomoe Gozen, even took up arms to fight alongside their men in battle.

When a Warrior Women feels anger rising, she knows it is a sign that she has found the strength to fight for change. Rather than letting her rage consume her, she uses it to her advantage by uncovering the truth about any situation that upsets her. She never gives up on her quest for justice and will continue to dig until she finds the truth that can set everyone free.

The true definition of a warrior woman is a woman who is brave enough to do what she believes is right. Whether she’s standing up for her principles in the boardroom or fighting for equality on the battlefield, she won’t back down from any challenge that stands in her way. Even if she’s not a trained soldier or politician, she will fight to protect her family and friends, herself, and the people she loves.

A warrior woman understands her strength is not physical, but a spiritual and creative power that can be channeled through her courage. When she is fully connected to her inner strength, it becomes her ally and she is unstoppable. Despite being scared, she will face any battle head on.

While some may call a woman warrior brave, she’s actually just determined to succeed at her goals. She has a “can do” spirit and doesn’t take no for an answer. When she has a vision for herself and it gets blocked, she simply finds a different route to get where she wants to be. No task is too big or mountain of paperwork too high for her to overcome. In the end, a warrior woman will always achieve her goal because she won’t quit until it is accomplished.